Cloud Service

Based on IT technology and security services accumulated over many years,
we provide cloud consulting and establishment services, and have a service system
that can solve and prevent problems that may occur later through continuous management.

Features and Advantages of Cloud Service
Security Level image
Security Level
- Establishment of cloud operating environment
considering security
- Regulation compliance and certification support,
infringement accident analysis and response
- Security solution consulting suitable
for cloud environment
Professional Technical Support image
Professional Technical Support
- Support for cloud experts composed
of advanced technicians with experience in IT technology
and security technology
- Support IT security experts such as IT
establishment / operation / accident analysis
accumulated over many years
Efficient Operation Support image
Efficient Operation Support
- Resource management support tailored
to customer service
- Optimal cost management support
- Monitoring and failure response
- Operation management report tailored
to customer environment
Service Type
It is a Cybercon One-Stop cloud service prepared by IT infrastructure establishment and operation experience, security expertise, and cloud experts.
Cloud Architecture Establishment image
Cloud Architecture Establishment
- Cloud establishment/transfer/security consulting
- Cloud architecture design
Cloud Establishment Support image
Cloud Establishment Support
-Establishment of cloud architecture design foundation
- Cloud technical support
Cloud Operations Support image
Cloud Operations Support
- Efficient cloud operation support
- Monitoring and operational technical support
Cloud Security Consulting Service image
Cloud Security Consulting Service
- Regulation compliance and certification
- Simulated hacking, personal information protection
Cloud Security Control Service image
Cloud Security Control Service
- Security solution establishment and operation support
- Infringement threat monitoring, intrusion incident
 response support

Cloud Architecture Establishment

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Cloud Architecture Establishment image

Cloud Establishment Support

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Cloud Establishment Support

Cloud Operations Support

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Cloud Operations Support

Cloud Security Consulting Service

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Cloud Security Consulting Service image

Cloud Security Control Service

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Cloud Security Control Service image